The Seers Lounge™

Welcome to The Seers Lounge™.

This is where meaningful evolution of the personal is encouraged and felt. By way of four art-forms, I help others recognize themselves by doing what I love. Find and book my creative services by entering the Poetry Nook, Tarot Sanctuary, Model Museum and the Print Shop. 

Thank you for being here!


click collage to enter the tarot sanctuary

About Me

Metaphysical abilities, seeing symbols, scanning energy within environments, precognitive dreams, noticing patterns of many kinds were skills that were never taught to me; They were just dormant. Early in life I behaved, spoke and wrote as a seer, but due to the system of adoption and those involved with why and how I was placed for adoption, the option to be affirmed and educated about my racial/ethnic truth let alone the ancestral line of seers and artists I come from was not available to me. Nonetheless, I realized my seer senses and often surrendered to my soul in order to exist, survive, thrive, investigate, heal and dream. Essentially, I didn’t consciously trust my capabilities until I was curious enough to unconsciously rely on them. Eventually life-altering circumstances demanded I become skilled and experienced with all things surrounding faith and the metaphysical. Aside from writing, modeling and photography there’s a plethora of educational resources that I’ve aligned with along the way, which can be found at the bottom of this page. Each source listed has helped me creatively, spiritually and personally. These metaphysical skills, artistic talents and personal practices are the sole reason I’m still alive here today; there’s no question.

I am here to help myself and others recognize, conceptualize and grow themselves; Art is my way of doing that. Since a young middle school age and onwards people (plenty of whom were strangers) of countless backgrounds have trusted me for intuitive guidance. I’ve been giving “readings” without the Tarot or a practicing awareness of astrology since that young age up until my mid-twenties, which is when I became aware of Sacred Geometry, the Tarot and Astrology. At that point, I added each to my repertoire and began giving free tarot readings in my late twenties, autumn of 2018. Synthesizing the astrology within the cards during tarot readings helps me describe the shapes I see in between the cards. On the surface, each card is layered in multiple ways just as Astrology Charts are layered in multiple ways just as people are. I am compelled to share what I see, scan and sense to the best of my ability; Starting ‘The Seers Lounge’ podcast in 2023 has helped me ground, connect and share outside of poetry, modeling, photography, and personal tarot readings.

A clear eye and heart rooted in goodness can do wonders when matched with a healthy gut full of insights, but the psychological, emotional, archetypal and astrological themes in the Tarot bring forth what we cannot fully see or acknowledge at all, seeking to be appreciated for what it is. This is how the Tarot teaches the details of the full picture. The full picture being depicted in whole pieces is what drew me to the art of storytelling, particularly poetry, modeling and photography. Modeling is like freewriting with my body instead of my voice. Photographing scenes is my way of delivering one whole piece of the full picture. Delivering through these 4 artforms is what I love to do—And no, it’s not pretty work 24/7. I believe people are personally responsible for who they evolve to be, a powerful privilege that should be realized and used wisely for good.

Temple of Horus in Edfu, Egypt

May 2022

Get to Know Me-Astrology Moods:

Gemini Sun: conjunct South Node and trine Jupiter. Sun conjunct asteroid Kaali-Ma.

Sagittarius Ascendant: conjunct Pluto and asteroid Nyx and Medusa.

Virgo Midheaven: trine Uranus-Neptune conjunction, and sextile Pluto.

Pisces Nadir: conjunct black moon Lilith and asteroid Sekhmet.

Venus: conjunct asteroid Aphrodite and Helen of Troy. Venus trine Moon, Mars and Chiron.


For more context into my journey, click the link below to Haley Radke’s “Adoptees On” podcast, where she and I discussed my transracial adoption experience. *Note: incase of confusion,  “Nelle” was the model alias being used while under contract with a modeling agency at the time of this interview.:

Adoptees On Episode 141

For my stream of consciousness podcast about all things physical and non-physical, click the links below or just tap the Apple & Spotify icon buttons. Episodes release approximately once every other month. Adventure Time!

The Seers Lounge - Apple The Seers Lounge - Spotify

List of Resources:

Core Energetics by John Pierrakos

Body of Wisdom: Women’s Spiritual Power and How it Serves by Hilary Hart

The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

The Primal Wound: Understanding the Adopted Child by Nancy Verrier

Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code by Stephen Skinner

The Occult I-Ching: The Secret Language of Serpents by Maja D’Aoust

Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton

Seventy-eight Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Compendium of the Emerald Tablets by Billy Carson

Chiron-Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner & Outer Planets by Barbara Hand Clow

What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula

The Portable Jung edited by Joseph Campbell, translated by R.F.C Hull

Lucretius on The Nature of Things: A Philosophical Poem in Six Books, translated by John Selby Watson

Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tzu translated by Gia-Fu Feng, Jane English and Toinette Lippe

The RED BOOK Liber Novus: A Reader’s Edition by C.G. Jung, edited by Sony Shamdasani

Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul, Volume 1 by Jeffrey Wolf Green